An historically dry February forced the feds to keep initial water allocations to Central Valley Project contractors low in the first round of allocations announced Tuesday during a call with federal water contractors. The Bureau of Reclamation is looking at delivering 15 percent of contracted amounts to agricultural contractors, such as Westlands Water District, south…
by Lois Henry
SJV Water was invited to tag along on an flight out of California City Saturday morning to get a glimpse of a small part of the Mojave Desert. The flight was arranged by Defenders of Wildlife, a conservationist group dedicated to preserving habitat for native critters. The expedition was led by Tom Egan, Defenders’ desert…
A state report released in December pinned blame for sinking along the California Aqueduct on excessive nearby groundwater pumping to irrigate vineyards and nut orchards. That was a pretty pointed finger, but not pointed enough for some committee directors in the large and powerful Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. They wanted names. The issue…
by Lois Henry
Will President Donald Trump give his signatory flourish to the new controversial federal plan for operations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta when he visits Bakersfield on Wednesday? Will he announce full funding to fix the sagging Friant-Kern Canal? Or will he do a 180 and announce some entirely new policy on oil extraction or endangered…
by Lois Henry
It’s unclear why certain members of the media were kept out of a water policy conference on Tuesday, yet the entire event was broadcast on one particular television station’s website. Whatever water policy was discussed, it’s bad policy to invite members of the public (the media are members of the public), give out tickets and…
by Lois Henry
The Department of Water Resources has already put a number of groundwater sustainability plans up on its website for public comment. The public has until April 15 to comment on the first batch. Included in this initial group are some plans that have already generated controversy, such as the joint plan for the Tulare Lake…
An unexpected number of Chinook salmon swam up the San Joaquin River last spring, prompting surprise and giddy pronouncements that the river’s long dead spring-run population had been resurrected. The 500 or so fish were living proof that the 11-year-long river restoration program was a success. A “smashing” success, some advocates said. Others felt the…
The Kings River Fisheries Management Program is looking for volunteers to help with its annual trout fry release February 26. About 8 to 10 people are needed to carry 20-pound buckets full of trout fry to the Kings River between the Army Corps of Engineers bridge to Avocado Lake Park, about 20-30 miles east of…

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