It’s a brand new year – YAY! Lets see how much water news you retained from 2022. If you’ve been keeping up with the news on SJV Water, this should be a piece of cake. If not, well…you have a whole new year to remedy that. Remember, no cheating with the Google machine (clicking the…
by Lois Henry
Here we are nearing the end of another year. And the SJV Water team has been taking stock, reflecting and pondering the accumulation of news and events that made up 2022.  (Really, we’re taking some much needed time off and I’m, personally,  “checkin’ the snow pack” –  code for skiing – and needed to stockpile…
by Jesse Vad, SJV Water
A controversial proposed dam seems to have a new pathway forward. But how far will it get through California’s byzantine world of water rights? Nobody seems to agree on an answer.  The Del Puerto Canyon Reservoir is a joint project between the Del Puerto Water District and the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractor Authority on…
by Jesse Vad and Rose Horowitch, SJV Water
Both sides of a controversial proposed Central Valley dam hailed a Nov. 3 court ruling kicking back the project’s environmental documents as a success. A Stanislaus County Superior Court Judge ruled there was insufficient information about a road relocation that is part of the proposed Del Puerto Canyon Reservoir project, which would sit just above…
by Jesse Vad, SJV Water
A new California dam project you probably haven’t heard of has already passed the initial environmental stages and recently won approval to apply for possible public funding. Predictably, the project has stoked opposition but not all the naysayers are who you might expect.  The Del Puerto Canyon Reservoir project, which would sit in the hilly,…

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