Westlands Water District Names New General Manager Fresno, CA — Today, the Board of Directors of Westlands Water District (District) named Allison Febbo as the next General Manager. With nearly 25 years of experience in natural resources, hydrology, and water operations, Ms. Febbo will be the first woman to serve the District as General Manager.  …
  Editor’s note: This story was done in collaboration with SJV Water and Fresnoland. By GREGORY WEAVER Fresnoland In Fresno and Madera counties, it was smaller streams and snowmelt that caused most of the flooding and other issues brought on by the latest spate of atmospheric rivers pummeling the state. That was especially true in…
Tulare County’s two main reservoirs both “filled and spilled” after the latest series of atmospheric rivers slammed into California starting March 10. The storms dumped rain on the San Joaquin Valley floor and melted at least some of the historic snowpack in upper elevations, swelling rivers and streams that flooded out residents of numerous communities. …
Lake Isabella could be the next Central Valley reservoir to “fill and spill” as it is rising rapidly, with an estimated two million acre feet of water hunkered down in a record high snowpack and more storms coming. The Kaweah and Success reservoirs in Tulare County have already reached that point, Success releasing water from…

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