Meeting: North Kern Water Storage District board of directors. Date: May 22, 2024 Agenda and board packet: CLICK HERE Main topic: Submission of a revamped groundwater sustainability plan for the Kern subbasin to the state Water Resources Control Board to avoid probation. Background: Two previous groundwater plans for the Kern subbasin were rejected by the…
The fallout and recriminations in Kings County continue over the state Water Resources Control Board’s historic decision to place the Tulare Lake subbasin on probation for failing to come up with a cohesive plan to protect the region’s groundwater. The Kings County Farm Bureau, which has already sued the Water Board over the probationary designation,…
Meeting: Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority board of directors Date: May 15, 2024 Agenda and Packet: CLICK HERE First topic: Reassessment of importing water from Little Lake, an area north of the Indian Wells Valley in Inyo County. Background: The Indian Wells Valley is a critically overdrafted basin in eastern Kern County. Its residents and…
The controversial Delta Conveyance Project will cost $20.1 billion according to a new cost-benefit analysis released by the state on Thursday. That’s up from the previous cost projection of $16 billion.  Almost all of that increase is because of inflation, said David Sunding, emeritus professor at UC Berkeley, who led the benefit-cost analysis, in a…
Meetings: Arvin-Edison board of directors Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa board of directors Shafter – Wasco Irrigation District Board of Directors Date: May 14 through 15, 2024 Arvin-Edison Water Storage District Agenda: CLICK HERE Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Packet: CLICK HERE Shafter-Wasco Agenda: CLICK HERE Major topic: Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District, Arvin-Edison Water Storage District, and Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District…
In an effort to avoid the fate of their neighbors to the north, Kern County water managers are putting the finishing touches on a new groundwater plan they hope will stave off probation in order to keep state bureaucrats from taking over local pumping. The county’s 20 groundwater agency boards began approving final changes to…

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