
We follow the editorial independence guidelines of the Institute for Non Profit News. All donors of $5,000 and above will be listed on our website. SJV Water is a non-profit corporation, and is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code. SJV Water’s Tax ID is 83-2646098. Contributions by U.S. taxpayers are deductible to the extent permitted by law.

SJV Water is thankful for all of our supporters – individuals, foundations, corporations and others. We don’t exist without you.



$5,000Jay Lund


SJV Water is also supported by its sustaining members, donations and other project grant funding.

Membership to SJV Water is free with several voluntary subscription levels available at a cost of between $3 and $10 per month.

SJV Water also participates in two main fundraisers each year: NewsMatch which runs from Nov.1 through Dec. 31 and Give Big Kern a one-day event the 1st Tuesday of May.

SJV Water has also received grant funding from Fund for Investigative Journalism and the Water Foundation for collaborative projects with INN partners.


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